What is Laser Therapy?
Our LightForce®, Class-4, laser can be used to treat both chronic and acute conditions. It may also be used for post-activity recovery. Laser therapy is a medical treatment that uses focused light to stimulate a process called photobiomodulation (PBM). During PBM, photons enter the tissue and trigger a biological cascade of events that leads to an increase in cellular metabolism, which can decrease pain and inflammation and accelerate the healing process. The laser works by stimulating the cytochrome c-complex within the mitochondria. This stimulation increases cellular metabolism and circulation resulting in reduced inflammation, reduced pain, and promotes tissue healing.
5 Reasons You’ll Love Deep Tissue Laser Therapy

1. It Works! When you are suffering from a painful injury or condition, deep tissue laser therapy can provide powerful pain relief, promote tissue repair, and reduce swelling - even when other therapies have failed.
2. It’s Fast! Deep tissue laser therapy treatments are very fast–typically lasting between 4-7 minutes, depending on the size of the area treated. The results are often fast too, with many patients reporting pain relief and improved range of motion after the very first treatment.
3. It Lasts! The therapeutic benefits of deep tissue laser therapy extend far beyond the treatment itself. After each treatment, patients can expect notable pain relief, with the effects lasting longer after each treatment.
4. It’s Safe! Deep tissue laser therapy can be used on most patients with minimal contraindications. With over 1million treatments performed worldwide each month, it offers a safe alternative to opioid pain killers and surgical intervention in many cases.
5. It’s Proven! There is a significant body of evidence supporting the use of deep tissue laser therapy as both an adjunct and a standalone treatment for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. From head to toe, researchers have concluded that laser therapy is effective for reducing pain, increasing range of motion and improving overall quality of life for patients suffering from many common and difficult-to-treat conditions.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What does it feel like?
Laser therapy treatments must be administered directly to skin, as clothing or topical dressings interfere with delivering light to tissues beneath the skin. Patients will feel a soothing warmth as the therapy is administered. Many patients receiving LightForce Therapy Laser treatments report enjoying the experience, especially when the massage ball treatment head is used to deliver what is often referred toas a “laser massage.” Patients receiving treatments with higher-power lasers also frequently report a rapid decrease in pain. For someone suffering from chronic pain, this effect can be particularly pronounced.
With LightForce lasers, treatments are quick, usually 4-7minutes, depending on the size, depth, and chronicity of the condition being treated. High-power lasers are able to deliver a lot of energy in a small amount of time, allowing therapeutic dosages to be achieved quickly.
How long do treatments last?
Patients generally see results after 3 to 5 treatments. Our therapists will develop specific plans of care based on the diagnosis and the tissues that are involved. Chronic conditions often require more therapy than acute.
How many treatments will I need?

Laser Therapy Treatments
Experience Reduced Inflammation and Pain Relief associated with:
Neck Pain
Back Pain
Shoulder Pain
Plantar Fasciitis
Sports Injuries
Soft Tissue Damage
And Much More..

Pediatric Occupational and Speech Therapy
Chiropractic Wellness
43-875 Washington St.
Suite G
Palm Desert, CA 92211
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.